Wednesday, November 21, 2007


How Thankful are we? It is something we choose to be, or not to be, "Thankful". Do you choose to be Thankful? How is your lens cap? Can you see pretty clear, the blessings in life? Or are they foggy? It's a choice you have, if you can't see too well, clear away that crud in life, do away from the "stuff" of life and simplify your life to see the many blessings in front of your very own eyes. Do you see this dot . That is our life here on earth. You see this line below? _______________________________________________________________
(say this line never ends) , well this line represents eternity. Guess what, inside that dot, everything we do and say within that dot, determines our place in eternity with our Lord and Saviour!!

....So continue in what he has taught you,and continue to live in Christ." I John 2:27

Everyday it is a choice I have, do I place my life in His hands and receive His help and many blessings from Him, or do I choose to do it on my own, without His help? God is willing and ready to give us blessings upon blessings, He is eager to, but we have to be willing to ask Him to be Lord of our lives and ask for His strength and guidance.

Clear those lenses, ask for His help, ask Him to be Lord of your life, stop the battle of doing it alone, because if you do, you will experience life like never before, NOW that is living in the dot if you ask me:)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thought for Ponder: This weekend my Uncle (my mom's brother) is marrying my Husband's mother , MY mother-in-law!! Yep, read it again! My husband and I are going to be cousins! Thought you all would enjoy a laugh- we actually set them on a date 5 years ago, and now they are tying the knot!! What match makers we are!!

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

So excited that you have joined the blog world betty! IT is so good to keep up with friends and family. I always leave the lights on when my hubby is away - and the croup is no fun...that is for sure. Thanks for the encouragement today - :)